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Common Questions
1. How do I address the City Council during its regular meeting at 9:30 a.m. each Tuesday morning?
The City Council is interested in the concerns of Birmingham citizens and welcomes their input on the issues facing our community. In order to provide for an effective, orderly airing of opinion, certain rules have been adopted by the City Council on how citizens may make their views knows.
To address the council during its regular meeting at 9:30 a.m. each Tuesday morning, you must sign the speakers list. The speakers list is placed in front of the council chamber door, on the 3rd floor of Birmingham City Hall (700 North 20th St.) at 8:55 a.m. and removed at 9:25 a.m.
2. Who do I contact regarding missed trash service, brush pickup, abandoned vehicles, overgrown lots, etc.?
Dial 311 from any phone. That will put you in touch with our call center to report your issue. The 311 call center is the liaison with city departments to handle citizens’ needs. They will then submit service requests with departments and follows up to ensure the request is resolved in a timely manner. Birmingham 3-1-1 only answers non-emergency calls
3. What is an “Executive Session,” and why is it closed to the public?
Executive Sessions are closed meetings that allow the City Council to discuss certain matters of a sensitive nature that affect the city. Areas that may be discussed in Executive Session are specified in the Opens Meetings Act. Examples include appointment / employment or dismissal of an employee or officer, land acquisition, collective bargaining / labor negotiations, and probable or pending litigation involving the city.
4. What district do I live in-who is my Councilor?
Click this Link to find your district.
5. When is the regularly scheduled Council meeting?
City Council Meetings are held Every Tuesday (Excluding holidays) 9:30 a.m. on the 3rd floor: 700 North 20th Street, Birmingham City Hall. PLEASE NOTE: Beginning May 1, 2023, City Council Meetings will be held at the Boutwell Auditorium (2nd Floor) until further notice.
6. Where do I find the photo gallery, press releases or video archives?
Click this Link to find your district
7. Who do I call about an issue with a particular department within the city of Birmingham?
Dial 311 from any phone. That will put you in touch with our call center to report your issue. The 311 Call Center is the liaison with city departments to handle citizens’ needs. They will then submit service requests with departments and follows up to ensure the request is resolved in a timely manner. Birmingham 3-1-1 only answers non-emergency calls.
8. How can I connect through social media?
9. How do I find my neighborhood association meeting time and place?
Click Here to find the list of neighborhood association meetings.
10. How much money is in each Neighborhood Association’s account?
Each Neighborhood Association is allocated $2,000.00 annually. The amount varies depending on how the neighborhood uses the funds. This allocation remains the same unless the Mayor and City Council amends it in the annual budget.