VIRTUAL Joint Economic Development and Special Called Committee of the Whole Meeting, 04.27.2021

tue27apr3:00 pmVIRTUAL Joint Economic Development and Special Called Committee of the Whole Meeting, 04.27.20213:00 pm(GMT-05:00) Event TypeCommittee Meetings,Meetings


April 27, 2021 3:00 pm(GMT-05:00)

Event Details

Meeting Day and Time:

2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month at 3:00 p.m.

Meeting Location:

Birmingham City Hall – 3rd Floor, Conference Rooms D&E

The Economic Development Committee makes recommendations to the Council for appointments to various Boards including; Industrial Development Board, Birmingham Trade Mart Authority, Revolving Loan Administration, Downtown Redevelopment Authority and the Birmingham Construction Industry Authority.

Requests for information to come before the Economic Development Committee should be addressed to the Chairperson. Items are recommended by the Committee and then placed on the Council agenda for approval.


Virtual Event Details

Event has already taken place!

Health Guidelines for this Event

Masks Required