VIRTUAL Special Called Joint Public Improvements and Beautification and Committee of the Whole Meeting, 05.11.2021

tue11may2:00 pmVIRTUAL Special Called Joint Public Improvements and Beautification and Committee of the Whole Meeting, 05.11.2021Event rescheduled due to inclement weather2:00 pm(GMT-05:00) Event TypeCommittee Meetings


May 11, 2021 2:00 pm(GMT-05:00)

Event Details

Meeting Day & Time:  1st Tuesday of each month at 2:00 p.m. in – Birmingham City Hall, Conference Room A

Councilor Crystal N. Smitherman (Committee Chair)


Council President William Parker

Councilor Hunter Williams

The Public Improvements and Beautification Committee is charged with making recommendations to the Mayor’s office on issues that affect: condemnation or demolition of dilapidated structures, engineering projects, inspection services, street and sanitation matters, and sanitary landfills. Request items for the Public Improvements and Beautification Committee should be sent to the Committee Chairperson. If the request is for a new item it must have a cost estimate prepared by the Engineering Department. Additionally, if it is an old item, there must be a reevaluation by the City Engineering Department. After the cost estimate, the item is brought before the Committee and a recommendation is made. The Mayor’s Office then places the item on the Budget & Finance Committee agenda for funding approval via a budget amendment. If given approval by the Budget & Finance Committee, the item is placed on the Council Agenda for a final vote.

The Public Improvements and Beautification Committee is responsible for approving repair permits for structures that have been condemned by the City. The Planning Engineering & Permits Department permits become invalid if work is abandoned for a 30-day period without a properly scheduled inspection. It is the Council’s policy not to grant more than four repair permits for a dilapidated structure unless there are extenuating circumstances. Dilapidated houses go before the full Council for approval of condemnation and demolition. The Council may go forth with the condemnation or may grant a thirty-day building permit for necessary repairs to the structure and cleaning of the property. The Public Improvements and Beautification Committee makes recommendations for appointments to the following Boards: Board of Adjustments & Appeals, Elevator Board of Appeals, Electrical Examining Board of Competency & Appeals, Plumber’s Examining Board of Competency, and Public Building Authority.

City Cemeteries
Condemnation of Dilapidated Structures
Inspection Services
Keep Birmingham Beautiful Commission
Land Bank Authority
Sanitary Landfills
Street and Sanitation


Virtual Event Details

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