VIRTUAL Joint Planning and Zoning and Special Called Committee of the Whole Meeting, 04.21.2021

Find Your Birmingham, Alabama District and City Council Person

Meeting Day and Time: 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month, 3:30 p.m., Council Chambers Council President William Parker (Committee Chair) MEMBERS: Councilor Valerie A. Abbott Councilor John R. Hilliard The Planning & Zoning Committee considers matters related to zoning, planning functions, comprehensive development and land use plans. Requests to rezone property are presented first to the Zoning Advisory Committee of the … Read more

VIRTUAL Birmingham City Council Meeting, 04.20.2021

The Birmingham City Council meet every Tuesday (excluding holidays) at 9:30 a.m. on the 3rd floor of Birmingham City Hall located at 710 North 20th St. in the council chambers. (The COVID-19 pandemic may impact times, dates, locations)