National League of Cities

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The National League of Cities is an organization comprised of city, town, and village leaders that are focused on improving the quality of life for current and future constituents. The mission of NLC is to relentlessly advocate for — and protect  — the interests of cities, towns, and villages by influencing federal policy, strengthening local leadership and driving innovative solutions.

The Birmingham City Council and NLC

Several Birmingham City Councilors have been appointed to national committee positions with the National League of Cities.  While serving in these roles, they will help to guide policy priorities and legislative efforts in their respective areas of focus.

Councilor Darrell O'Quinn

NLC Board of Directors

Councilor Wardine Alexander

Vice Chair 2024 Human Development (HD) Committee, Regional Director National Black Caucus of Local Elected Officials (NBC-LEO), 2024 Large Cities Council Vice Chair

Councilor Crystal Smitherman

2024 Finance, Administration, and Intergovernmental Relations (FAIR) Committee, Women in Municipal Government Board of Directors, 2024 Large Cities Council

Councilor LaTonya Tate

2024 Public Safety and Crime Prevention Committee (PSCP)

Snapshots from Recent Conferences

The National League of Cities is a non-partisan organization comprised of thousands of elected officials from all over the country.  Having our City Councilors serve in leadership positions with this national organization is a huge win for Birmingham.